1 cup almond flour/meal or 1 cup crushed blanched almonds
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp white vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
1 can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 tbsp garlic sauce, or how much you like
Juice of ¼ lemon
For the garlic sauce:
In a mortar and pestle, crush 5 peeled garlic cloves with a couple pinches of sea salt.
Add garlic sauce base (whether it is almond flour, crushed almonds or walnuts, rehydrated stale white bread, or boiled, cooled, mashed potatoes) in small batches, about ¼ cup at a time, always adding a bit of water to loosen.
When consistency is to your liking, whether you like it a bit more chunky or more fluid, add the olive oil for extra flavor and the vinegar to brighten it up.
Always taste and season and adjust to what tastes best for you.
Now eat to your heart's content!
In a skillet, heat a couple swigs of olive oil and pour in your choice of drained, rinsed beans. When heated through, add the skordalia, how much you desire, and cook for 30 seconds, you don't want to burn the garlic.
Tip your beans in garlic sauce into a dish and squeeze the juice of ¼ lemon over the beans. See..super quick! Enjoy!